注册及付费指南:(Enrollment and payment instructions)
Thank you, and welcome to Chinese School!
第一步(First Step):中文课注册:所有上学期在本校学习常规中文课的学生将自动注册到本学期。First Step, all existing student will be registered to the new semester automatically .
新生须知:新生需要在线填写新生注册表(Please note, all NEW student need to fill out the online registration form): 新生注册表(New Student Registration Form) (注意:已经是学校注册学生可忽略此步。Please note this is for the new student only, those who had registered before can skip this step. )
堪城现代中文学校新学生注册表 New Student Registration Form堪城现代中文学校 Kansas City Institute of Chinese Language and Culture (KCICLC
第二步(Second step): 课后兴趣班注册:(包括新老学生),兴趣班具体课程安排表见下。点击右边链接填写课后兴趣班在线注册表:堪城现代中文学校课后兴趣班注册表
Second Step: To enroll for the enrichment class (including new and existing students), please click the link to fill out the form: Enrichment class enrollment form.
第三步(Third Step):付学费:在开学前指定的日期和地点以支票或者现金的形式支付学费。也可选择使用paypal在线付费:请参照本课程学费表自行计算总计费用,付费到学校paypal账户- kansascitychineseschool@gmail.com. 请务必在paypal付费时注明学生姓名(学生姓名需要与注册姓名完全一致)。
Third Step: Payment: Please bring a check or cash on a designated date (to be determined)prior to the new semester. Or make payment via paypal by calculating the total amount and pay to kansascitychineseschool@gmail.com, please put the student name and class in the note for the payment.
Paypal 付费具体过程参见下面链接:https://www.paypal.com/us/selfhelp/article/How-do-I-pay-for-a-payment-request-or-invoice-FAQ2206