堪城现代中文学校成立于一九九八年年初, 是全美中文学校协会会员,堪萨斯州和大堪萨斯城地区最大的中文学校。堪城现代中文学校是董事会领导下校长负责制的,经联邦正式注册批准的501(C)3 非营利性教育组织, 它的宗旨是传扬中华文化,教授中国语言文字(普通话),包括汉语拼音和简体汉字。
随着中文学校的不断发展和壮大,它的社会影响也在日渐扩大。许多以前学习繁体字和注音符号的学生转到这里学习; 慕名而来了解情况的美国人及收养中国儿童家庭越来越多,还有的美国人来中文学校做义工和毕业实习。中文学校在教授汉语语言的同时也起到了展示和传播中国文化的作用, 成了许多人了解中国的窗口。不仅如此,中文学校还曾经在“9.11”之后那段特殊的日子里帮助了滞留在堪城的中国国家女子足球队, 显示了一个华人文化组织的力量。
About Institute of Chinese Language and Culture
Institute of Chinese Language and Culture (KCICLC) was founded in 1998, member of The Chinese School Association in the United States and the biggest Chinese school in the greater Kansas City area. The school is a (501) (C) (3) non-profit organization with the mission to provide a superb learning environment in Chinese language and culture for the next generation of ethnic Chinese families and non-Chinese community members in the greater Kansas City area.
KCICLC offers Chinese language courses for students ranging from kindergarten to high school. From 2009-2019, classes were held at the Indian Creek Community Church. School is now relocated to 12610 Quivira Road, Overland Park, KS 66213. More than 250 students are enrolled in 10 levels of Chinese language classes during the hours between 1:10 P.M. and 3:45 P.M. on Sundays from August to mid-May. The school has 3 administrative officers and 21 teachers.
KCICLC strongly believes that the school can contribute significantly to the cultural diversity in the greater Kansas City area by implementing its mission.